Getting Ready to Go

Getting Ready to Go
Indochina Here We Come!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Trip To Indochina

The hats were provided by our friends, Connie and Larry Seitz. They are getting us prepped for our upcoming trip.

We leave Monday, January 9th and arrive at 11pm January 11th...24 hours on a plane. I hope they allow jogging in the aisles! Bangkok is 14hours ahead of Boise time.

The blog will be more of a challenge as we are doing it on our ipad and don't quite know how to sync it yet. Hope it works!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos of your trip, looks like you're having a blast! Where is the next stop? Will you be visiting Malaysia? If so let me know and perhaps my friends there can meet up with you. Take care and have fun!!!
