Getting Ready to Go

Getting Ready to Go
Indochina Here We Come!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Carlsbad Caversn 2

Our camera doesn't do this place justice. It is 1 1/2 miles to walk around..these caverns were created by rainwater seeping through the cracks and faults in limestone that mixed with hydrogen-sulfide rich water that migrated upward from vast oil and gas fields to the south and east. These formed sulfuric acid which dissolved the limestone and opened up the fractures and faults into huge caverns....geology lesson for today!

Carlsbad Caverns

Unbelievable Stalactites and Stalagmites....We learned how to remember the difference...the "c" is for ceiling and the "g" is for ground:) The Bib Room is 8.2 acres. The lighting is feels like another world.

Santa Fe Chilis

Monday, January 14, 2013

Las Vegas,NM and Santa Fe

We went to visit our friends, Joel and Jean, who live on a 25 acre ranch outside of Las Vegas,NM. It was Joel's 70th birthday. Because of our hitch problems, we drove 14 hours; we arrived at 10:30 pm . Everyone from the party had gone, but we had a good time with Joel and Jean and their friends, Dave and Cynthia from New Jersey.....that is until, we blow out their fuses. We woke up to a balmy 18 degrees inside the trailer!
After New Years, we headed to Santa Fe. This is the picture of the Governor's Palace. Native Americans come here to sell artifacts. There aren't as many as usual because it is below freezing outside!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our New Home

We ended up in a blizzard to find this beautiful campground by Utah Lake in Provo. The trailer was nice and warm...but our hitch was causing the whole load to shift forward when we slowed down to stop. If my neck wasn't a mess before, this surely did not help at all! So we spent a day in Provo at a hotel getting a new part for the hitch...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bob and Sara travel Southwest USA

We sold our house and have moved to our new 5th wheel. Five storage units and many mechanical problems later, we set our December 28th for New Mexico.