Getting Ready to Go

Getting Ready to Go
Indochina Here We Come!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lembangon Island, Bali

A very small island. No cars, only motor scooters. Is their off season so not very busy. We rented a scooter and rode around the island. Maybe 50 miles of pavement. People a really friendly. Most businesses are family run. Shuttle boats carry supplies--propane , water, etc. we had huge short down pours. Very refreshing!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sanur, Bali, Indonesia (March 2, 3 & 4)

Another beautiful beach area but much more relaxed. There is more than4km of boardwalk along the beach, covered with shops, restaurants and hotels.We went to an Hindu temple overlooking the ocean and a turtle conservation island. We found a husband day care center for Bob.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Phi Phi Island, Thailand

This beautiful, crazy little island has beautiful white sand beaches and lots of tourists. We have found there are very few Americans, mostly Aussies. The sunsets were spectacular!