Getting Ready to Go

Getting Ready to Go
Indochina Here We Come!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Koi Samui

More pictures of food court down town, pool, resort area

Koi Samui, Thailand

We took a ferry boat to Koi Samui.  There was actually a boat dock at both ends.  The ferry boat held about 100 passengers.  Sitting in the air conditioned cost extra.  We were met at the dock by a van that took us to Bill's Resort--right on the beach.  This place was very laid back compared to Phuket.  Instead of 1000's of people on the beach, there were only 100's.  Not much night life but a good food plaza in the center of town.  The hotel had a contential breakfast with fried eggs, toast, coffee and a lot of fresh fruit.  The pool was about 100 ft. from the beach.  The pool was surrounded by bushes so it did not get much of a breeze.  The beach always had a nice breeze blowing.  I big day here was getting off the lounger to move the shade umbrella so you did not get sun burned.  Sara got a good massage here with a great ocean view. We stayed in Samui for 6 nights.

Phuket, Thailand

After Bali we flew back to Phuket, Thailand.  We stayed on the west side at Patong Beach.  Patong City is a tourist town.  It has a very active night life and many great restraurants and hotels.  You can hear many languages spoken there.  We stayed there 4 nights and then went to Koi Samui island via ferry boat.

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Ubud is a very upscale inland tourist town with many artists.  It is also home of Mandala Wisata Wenara Wana--Sacred Monkey Forest.  The Pura Dalem Agung Temple was built during the mid-14thcentury.  Bali is a Hindu country.  There are about 5,000 monkies in the forest.  The female monkeys have beards and the males have moustaches.  Generally, they are well behaved, unless you are carrying food on you.  Then they want it--ALL OF IT!

We stayed in a beautiful resort.  But they were like the monkeys.  Only they wanted all of your money!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lembangon Island, Bali

A very small island. No cars, only motor scooters. Is their off season so not very busy. We rented a scooter and rode around the island. Maybe 50 miles of pavement. People a really friendly. Most businesses are family run. Shuttle boats carry supplies--propane , water, etc. we had huge short down pours. Very refreshing!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sanur, Bali, Indonesia (March 2, 3 & 4)

Another beautiful beach area but much more relaxed. There is more than4km of boardwalk along the beach, covered with shops, restaurants and hotels.We went to an Hindu temple overlooking the ocean and a turtle conservation island. We found a husband day care center for Bob.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Phi Phi Island, Thailand

This beautiful, crazy little island has beautiful white sand beaches and lots of tourists. We have found there are very few Americans, mostly Aussies. The sunsets were spectacular!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


We spent 3 nights in Krabi. Very nice beach town. We took. Long tail boat on a 4 island tour and did some snorkeling. Many good restaurant.